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On Monday 24th Please come to the Alfred Denny Building at 8.45am. It is
important to realise:

- There will be a Banks Fair on Tuesday 2nd, this will give you
information about banks and opening an account in the UK, so it is best
to wait until Tuesday to open a bank account.

- You DO NOT need to go to the police station to register if you arrive
BEFORE 5th July regardless of what your visa says. This is because the
police will come to us on 5th July and you can register then.

To help you find your way you can access the following pages:

You should carry your passport with you at all times during the first
week, you also need to bring some passport size photographs.

We would like to remind you that you should carefully read the
information that we sent you earlier. It is particularly important that
you read the advice regarding accommodation (please book before you
arrive), disability and health/medical matters. You should also remember
that if you have not done so before you arrive you will be expected to
pay in your first week.

Finally we would like to reassure you that Sheffield is a very safe
place but that new students can be vulnerable to people looking to take
advantage of you as you find your feet in an unfamiliar environment.
Please avoid carrying large amounts of cash and be wary of people who
may try to trick you or your family into giving them money over the
internet. Make sure you keep copies of your passport safely in your

We wish you a safe journey to Sheffield and look forward to meeting you
next week!

Best wishes
ELTC office staff

更新日期:2013/6/25 11:36:06

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